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Meet Our Practitioners

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Dr Bridget Houlden
Chiropractor & Director

Dr Bridget Houlden grew up in a family of chiropractors in Bendigo and this shaped her philosophy on health and life in general.  After finishing her chiropractic studies at RMIT in Melbourne, Bridget ventured to the UK to sit her board exams and practice in London, before spending time in a busy paediatric and pregnancy-focused chiropractic centre in Newcastle, NSW.  Bridget loves adjusting people from all walks of life, though she has a soft spot for kids, babies and pregnant mums. Bridget's further qualifications include:


  • Postgraduate Diplomate of Chiropractic Neurodevelopmental Paediatrics

  • Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) certified Advanced Practitioner

Chiro Torquay Chiropractor

Dr Michael Sexton
Chiropractor & Director

Dr Michael Sexton has more than 25 years experience as a chiropractor and practises in both Surrey Hills and Torquay. Michael has recently relocated to the Surf Coast from Melbourne, and enjoys trying his hand at surfing and windsurfing. Michael's key clinical interest is in educating people about the important roles the spine and nervous system play in determining our wellbeing. Over his career, Michael has considerable experience working with elite athletes at the highest level in various sports, particularly AFL.

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Vivien Wong

Massage Therapist   

Vivien is a certified remedial massage therapist dedicated to assisting individuals seeking relief from repetitive muscle strain, discomfort, and fatigue. Her expertise lies in supporting clients within our chiropractic clinic setting, including but not limited to office/at-home workers, athletes, musicians, and caregivers. Vivien employs a customised approach, utilising techniques such as remedial massage, pressure point therapy, and deep tissue manipulation to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and restore overall balance.


Whether you're aiming to address a specific issue or simply seeking to improve your well-being, Vivien collaborates closely with you to tailor each session to your unique needs and objectives. As a registered member of Massage & Myotherapy Australia, Vivien looks forward to supporting you by providing comprehensive support on your journey towards improved health and vitality.

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